Can you tell the difference between tech hype and hyperbole when it impacts occupational health?
Full article: Technology advancements: How safety pros can distinguish hype from hyperbole
Source: Safety Best Practices
Can you tell the difference between tech hype and hyperbole when it impacts occupational health?
Full article: Technology advancements: How safety pros can distinguish hype from hyperbole
Source: Safety Best Practices
Mold is everywhere, but few people outside the science community understand it.
Full article: Are you competent on mold and other OHS science topics?
Source: Safety Best Practices
Why would I risk OHS organizational wrath with such nasty and unfounded comments?
Full article: It’s time to provoke to spur action from OHS leaders
Source: Safety Best Practices
The information in this article demonstrates that risk assessment for pregnant worker concerns has been known globally for decades, even more than a century ago within the U.S.
Full article: Why risk assessments are not required by the PWFA
Source: Safety Best Practices
I believe that there will likely be greater risk for “safety” job loss when AI and its technology partners get on a full roll.
Full article: The future of AI work and its impact on OHS pros
Source: Safety Best Practices
EEOC’s final rule and interpretive guidance for implementation of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was published in the April 19, 2024 Federal Register.
Full article: Epilog for Pregnant Workers Fairness Act’s final rules
Source: Safety Best Practices
Menstruation seems like an odd topic to discuss as a workplace OHS issue as Menstrual Hygiene Day is in May.
Full article: The 5 whys for menstrual health awareness in the workplace
Source: Safety Best Practices
If our nation seeks to remain the richest on the planet, then U.S. employers must embrace the concepts of the PWFA.
Full article: U.S. employers need to embrace concepts of PWFA
Source: Safety Best Practices
If you have spent four or more years earning an OHS related degree, then you are likely a career thinker looking to maximize your professional growth.
Full article: How to develop a lifelong OHS career plan
Source: Safety Best Practices
The federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) was signed into law on December 29, 2022 and becomes effective in June. Here’s a detailed look at what this means.
Full article: How to interpret the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Source: Safety Best Practices
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